Moxey Online Application
We are excited that you wish to apply for membership in Moxey.
Let's get started by you selecting the Moxey community with whom you will be associated. This community location is generally decided by the area in which your business is physically located. If your business is online or mobile, you should select the area in which you live or expect to locally spend most often. Know the name of your community? Click here.
Zoom in to see the more defined boundaries of our communities. Click your area to proceed with the application.
Just outside of one of our communities?
That's OK. Just select the area you are closest to and do the majority of your local spending.
More than 30 minutes away from a community?
You probably will not fully benefit from Moxey at this time. However, CLICK HERE to leave your information and request to be put on a waitlist for when we DO (and we will) have an active presence in your area. We will be quick to contact you when a community in your area is getting started.
Does your business exist in multiple communities?
If you have a regional or national presence with physical offices in more than one of the listed communities, CLICK HERE.